Darkglass Electronics Microtubes B3K V2 Bass Preamp


Darkglass Electronics Microtubes B3K V2 Bass Preamp

An intuitive format that contains brutality and clarity at the same time is what the B3K delivers. A defined and powerful overdrive, with a simple layout, it sets no boundaries or rules to unleashing the desired tone.


Mixes the clean input signal with the overdriven signal. The clean signal remains at unity gain while the volume of the overdriven signal is set by the Level knob, allowing for fine control of the blend ratio.


Controls the high frequency content of the sound. A variable low pass filter from 3kHz (ccw) to 8kHz (cw).


Sets the volume of the overdriven signal.


Sets the amount of saturation in the overdriven signal.


When engaged provides a massive low end boost to really thicken your sound.

Mid Boost

Gives a subtle 6dB boost from 300 Hz to 1kHz to help you cut through a bit more.


Connect from the ¼” Output jack to the input of your amplifier or another effects pedal.


Connect your instrument or output from your pedal board to the ¼” mono jack.


Only use a regulated 9V DC adapter with a center-negative plug.


Width: 75 mm / 3″
Length: 111 mm/ 4¼″
Height: 43 mm / 1¾″
Weight: 250 g / 0.55 lb

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