Music Nomad Hone Guitar Hygrometer Humidity & Temperature Monitor
HONE Guitar Hygrometer Humidity & Temperature Monitor
Protecting your guitar just got easier. MusicNomad, has developed HONE, a patented humidity & temperature monitor that is accurate, reliable and easy to use. Perfect for Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars and other String Instruments because monitoring your instrument's environment is critical to ensure you stay within the manufacturer's recommended humidity levels to protect your prized instrument from drying, warping, shrinking or cracking. HONE will determine if you need to use a humidifier, de-humidifier or neither. Our innovative design allows you to customize how you want to measure. The coolest feature is it easily clips directly onto your guitar strings. You can also place it inside your case or any room you want to monitor. Own a MusicNomad Humitar Humidifier (sold separately)? Remove the existing lid and clip in HONE to start measuring the humidity & temperature. So many ways to HONE into the Safe Zone. That's MusicNomad quality - raising the bar in equipment care.