Mogami Gold Speaker Cable SO-03 (3ft)
Mogami Gold Speaker Cable SO-03 (3ft)
A truly a high definition speaker cable, Mogami Gold Speaker uses oxygen free-copper, wound in a unique coaxial configuration specifically for the power amp to speaker interface. This cable is self-shielding, extremely neutral and faithfully transfers every detail, at any sound or power level, while rejecting noise transfer into or out of the cable.
-OFC (oxygen-free copper) core for the highest level of transparency
-Carbon impregnated PVC eliminates handling noise
-Ultra High Density spiral shield
-Copper core 1/4 inch plugs
-Lifetime warranty
A truly a high definition speaker cable, Mogami Gold Speaker uses oxygen free-copper, wound in a unique coaxial configuration specifically for the power amp to speaker interface. This cable is self-shielding, extremely neutral and faithfully transfers every detail, at any sound or power level, while rejecting noise transfer into or out of the cable.
-OFC (oxygen-free copper) core for the highest level of transparency
-Carbon impregnated PVC eliminates handling noise
-Ultra High Density spiral shield
-Copper core 1/4 inch plugs
-Lifetime warranty
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