Used Cutthroat Audio Down Brownie

Used Cutthroat Audio Down BrownieCondition: Mint, shows little to no wear. Fender footswitch included.

Down Brownie™ Features:

-British channel is JMP50/1987 voiced with pull-to-jumper and pull-to-lift bright cap features
-Brown channel is pure, unadulterated 6G3 goodness
-Rich Mod II PPIMV using a PEC 500K dual audio potentiometer and shielded wire (sounds fantastic!)
-Switchable tube/solid state rectifier
-Switchable negative feedback; choose between 6G3/5E3/JTM45 NFB resistor values
-Adjustable bias pot on underside of chassis
-Fender style single button footswitch for tremolo
-4/8/16 ohm selector switch; speaker swaps no problem; external cabs?; heck yes!

Down Brownie™ Components & Specifications:

-Weber Vintage Alnico 12A125-S 8 ohm, 30 watt speaker (a P12Q-inspired Alnico, but with tighter bottom-end and later breakup)
-Mercury Magnetics FBDP-M power transformer (315V for more vintage plate voltages)
-Mercury Magnetics FBDO-M output transformer (4/8/16 ohm taps)
-Mercury Magnetics HD 14AWG 10′ power cord
-SoZo NextGen Blue Molded Vintage and Yellow Mustard Vintage capacitors
-Sprague, F&T electrolytic capacitors
-Carbon composition resistors
-Belton sockets, Carling switches, Switchcraft & PureTone jacks
-CTS, Bourns and PEC potentiometers
-Custom-made vintage correct cabinet to our specs using selected lightweight #2 pine & 1/4″ finger joints just like Leo made ’em. They’re even stained inside for that vintage “cedar” look (dust bunnies not included).
-Old-school hand wired construction with our custom-made G10FR ‘glass eyelet boards and correct gauge pushback wire
-20 watts, (2) TAD matched 6V6GT-STR’s; (1) TAD GZ34; (1) Mullard RI CV4004/12AX7 & (2) JJ 12AX7
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