Wampler Decibel + Buffer Boost Pedal
Wampler Decibel + Buffer Boost
The Wampler Pedals “Clean Buffer” was an extremely well-liked pedal during its production, known for its purity of tone and for offering fantastic buffering that allowed pretty much any gear to get along nicely. We've had constant requests since it was discontinued to make just a few more, or from people wondering when it would be coming back?
The Wampler Pedals “Talent Booster” is another favorite from the past, a pedal which could make your tone not just louder, but better, too. Calls for another Wampler Pedals boost intensified when the “SLOstortion” was released, with many users loving the boost side of that 2-in-1 pedal so much that they've been requesting Brian put his mind to making Wampler Pedals users a new boost pedal that they could put wherever they want.
With so many people asking for a buffer and so many people asking for a boost, what could we do? The only reasonable thing, of course: we listened! And true to form, Brian figured “why do just one when we can do both?”
Meet the decibel+ Buffer|Boost, a pedal that offers excellent, stable buffering AND a fantastic clean boost, in one great, durable, easy-to-use package! With one single knob to accomplish everything, it trims the fat – we didn't want to make a booster that does too much to be considered just booster, but not enough to be considered a legitimate light overdrive. Plus, functionality like that tends to just run up the price. Brian's goal was to make sure that this pedal can buffer with excellent fidelity, boost like nobody's business, yet be as easy to work with as possible. No unnecessary complications of either function, and no sacrifices when it comes to the core tone!
Whichever you need from it, it's ready to deliver. Studio or stage, it's a one-knob problem solver toolkit in pedal form. Just dial that one knob where you need it to go and you'll have the functionality you need right then – and if you ever need it to turn from buffer to boost, or boost to buffer, it's as simple as adjusting that one control.
The Wampler Pedals “Clean Buffer” was an extremely well-liked pedal during its production, known for its purity of tone and for offering fantastic buffering that allowed pretty much any gear to get along nicely. We've had constant requests since it was discontinued to make just a few more, or from people wondering when it would be coming back?
The Wampler Pedals “Talent Booster” is another favorite from the past, a pedal which could make your tone not just louder, but better, too. Calls for another Wampler Pedals boost intensified when the “SLOstortion” was released, with many users loving the boost side of that 2-in-1 pedal so much that they've been requesting Brian put his mind to making Wampler Pedals users a new boost pedal that they could put wherever they want.
With so many people asking for a buffer and so many people asking for a boost, what could we do? The only reasonable thing, of course: we listened! And true to form, Brian figured “why do just one when we can do both?”
Meet the decibel+ Buffer|Boost, a pedal that offers excellent, stable buffering AND a fantastic clean boost, in one great, durable, easy-to-use package! With one single knob to accomplish everything, it trims the fat – we didn't want to make a booster that does too much to be considered just booster, but not enough to be considered a legitimate light overdrive. Plus, functionality like that tends to just run up the price. Brian's goal was to make sure that this pedal can buffer with excellent fidelity, boost like nobody's business, yet be as easy to work with as possible. No unnecessary complications of either function, and no sacrifices when it comes to the core tone!
Whichever you need from it, it's ready to deliver. Studio or stage, it's a one-knob problem solver toolkit in pedal form. Just dial that one knob where you need it to go and you'll have the functionality you need right then – and if you ever need it to turn from buffer to boost, or boost to buffer, it's as simple as adjusting that one control.
Our customers are now welcome to visit the Brian's Guitars showroom without an appointment! Thank you for all of the patience and understanding over the past year.
Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation!